Friday, May 24, 2013

mHealth Predicted To Help 40 million patients in Brazil and Mexico

It's been reported that over 40 million additional patients could be treated in Brazil and Mexico alone in 2017 through the use of mHealth-related services.

"The implementation of mHealth services in Brazil and Mexico is expected to extend healthcare to 28.4 million additional patients in Brazil and 15.5 million patients in Mexico in 2017; as well as quip around 16 million citizens to improve their lifestyle and reduce the impact of chronic diseases, prolonging lives'" the GSMA report states (

It's also estimated that the cost savings of mHealth implementation could save the two countires a total of $17.9 billion. Even better, mHealth will create 200,000 jobs as its deployed.

According to GSMA, the four main barriers that will limit the adoption of mHealth across Latin America include regulatory, economic structure and technology-related obstacles.

Like many parts of the world, the healthcare in Brazil and Mexico focus on individual treatment and drug therapy rather than preventive medicine and patient monitoring.

"The fragmentation of healthcare systems in Brazil and Mexico restricts the sharing of information and alignment of processes, preventing mHealth from scaling effectively. The lack of interoperability and standardization of mHealth services can localize the implementation, limiting the scalability of mHealth."