Friday, February 1, 2013

Biometric Health Screenings Lower Insurance Premiums

In growing numbers, health insurance providers are offering discounts to plan members who complete a series of biometric tests linked to an online health assessment questionnaire.

smartphone biometric health screenings from peak biometric research
So why aren't more people participating?

Privacy issues remain paramount in the U.S., Europe and Asia. But much like the early days of the Internet, when people were reluctant to submit credit card information online, it appears that these privacy fears are abating, albeit slowly.

In many ways, convenience overcame the fear of stolen credit card information and that's really the key for biometric modalities. Smartphone based health screenings are making it easier for patients to be tested and less expensive (of course) while delivering better, healthier outcomes.

In win-win. And because personal biometric screenings make life easier for government, it's certain the industry will grow as new , federal health mandates come into effect.

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